
Our Reviews
Michael Helms

I began using Driscoll Tree Service back in 2021 and was so impressed with their knowledge and quality of work, I have only hired Driscoll Tree Service since!  Just a few weeks ago, my large oak tree needed a trim and once again it was a great job!!

Ryan Lee

I used Driscoll Tree Service for years in Snellville, and now we use them in Atlanta. They do an excellent job every time. Friendly and knowledgeable crew.  Results are always great. Thanks, Driscoll Tree  Service!


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Should You Fill Holes or Cavities in a Tree?

Trees usually develop cavities and holes over time, which are often mistaken for infections or infestations. While these fissures may raise concerns about the tree’s overall health, they are a natural part of growth. A common misconception about holes in trees is that filling them can prevent further deterioration and restore optimum health. Before attempting DIY solutions, consult a reputable tree care company like Driscoll Tree Service for guidance and professional help. If you notice cavities on your trees, understanding how to address the issue and improve overall health is crucial.


Causes of Cavities and Holes in Trees

Tree damage is often the major cause of cavities, as they create a barrier between the wounds and openings with a thick layer of cells. There are many causes of damage on trees, including:

Improper Pruning

DIY enthusiasts often undertake landscaping projects like pruning. However, without the expertise or knowledge required, the risk of damage or premature tree removal is high. A common case of improper pruning habits is topping, where homeowners cut the top part of a tree. Removing a large part of the leaves and branches weakens the tree and eventually causes death if you don’t act quickly. You can avoid such scenarios by working with a trusted tree service provider to handle maintenance.

Mechanical Injury

Another cause of cavities is mechanical damage. Whether mowing the lawn or trimming overgrown and damaged limbs, the tools used can damage the bark, causing wounds. Tree injuries can also occur when people intentionally carve into the bark, creating holes or cavities when they heal. It is crucial to work with professional arborists to mitigate mechanical damage to trees and subsequent repercussions.

Storm Damage

Storms and harsh weather are common causes for tree injuries, leading to holes. When lightning strikes a tree, the bark is usually ripped off, forming a wound in the interior. Also, strong winds can break the bark or weak limbs, increasing vulnerability to infections, infestations and costly tree removal emergencies.

What You Should Do If a Tree Has Cavities


Once you notice holes in your trees, it is common to take a proactive approach in trying to solve the issue. However, the best option is to leave it alone and schedule a consultation with a trusted tree care company. Here’s what you should do if your tree has cavities.

Let the Tree Seal Off the Wound

Trees can deal with holes themselves, as long as it is well-watered, healthy, and receives sufficient nutrients. Despite the cause of injury, trees can prevent decay through compartmentalization. This entails sealing off damaged areas to block access to the rest of the tree.

Do Not Fill the Cavity

Traditional solutions to cavities involved using different materials to fill them, such as cement and spray foam. Even if the damage is not visible after filling, the tree can decay from the inside, compromising overall health and strength. Tree service professionals and industry experts recommend leaving tree cavities to heal naturally.

Before addressing tree cavities and holes, contact the experts at Driscoll Tree Service and schedule a consultation with our experts. We have seasoned arborists ready to help you maintain healthy and durable trees without breaking the bank.

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