
Our Reviews
Ashley Langridge

I had a large oak tree taken down near power lines and an outdoor kitchen. I was well informed about the work they were going to do and how long it should take. The team was professional, fast and dropped the tree safely. They used a bucket truck and climber to trim branches from the top half of the tree with no damage to the yard around the tree.  I am extremely pleased with Driscoll Tree service work.

Ryan Lee

I used Driscoll Tree Service for years in Snellville, and now we use them in Atlanta. They do an excellent job every time. Friendly and knowledgeable crew.  Results are always great. Thanks, Driscoll Tree  Service!


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Georgia Guide to Growing Trees

If you are a resident of Georgia, there’s no better time to grow trees than now. With over 100 tree species, it is one of the most diverse ecosystems in the United States. Before planting trees, we recommend consulting a reputable tree care company for guidance. Leverage our arborists’ extensive industry experience and knowledge to grow healthy and lasting trees. Driscoll Tree Service has seasoned experts ready to help you enhance the quality of your premises. Here’s a guide to help you grow trees in Georgia.


Flowering Trees to Grow

  • Pink Miracle Rose Tree

The unique pink hue is unlike anything you’ve seen and will keep your backyard looking amazing. The tree’s elegant form blends perfectly with the deep pink and vibrant green foliage, enhancing the aesthetics of your home. Plant the tree in well-drained soil and ensure it receives three to six hours of sunlight daily. Once you’ve planted your Pink Miracle Rose Tree, summer watering, mulching, and pruning are vital for optimum health. Before fertilizing, hire a professional tree service to ensure it’s done correctly.

  • Enduring Summer Crape Myrtle

These trees are ideal for tight spaces, providing many blossoms with a single compact flowering shrub. The Enduring Summer Crape Myrtle is five feet tall and produces clusters of vibrant red flowers, making it ideal for your garden. It thrives in hot conditions without chemicals or pruning. When temperatures are low in winter, the tree can survive in o degrees and below. Please select a suitable planting spot with six to eight hours of sunlight. Schedule routine inspections with a trusted tree care company to ensure your tree grows healthy.

Shade Trees to Grow

  • Shademaster Honeylocust Tree

This unique tree’s classic rounded shape provides the perfect dappled shade, making this tree a popular option for homeowners. The Shademaster Honeylocust is a tolerant, adaptable, pest-free, and hardy tree that can grow anywhere. Whether the conditions are wet or dry, acidic or alkaline, heat waves or cold weather, you are guaranteed a timeless American feel. If you want to plant this shade tree, ensure it receives between six to eight hours of sunlight and water weekly in the early stages to ensure proper growth.

  • Shumard Oak Tree

The Shumard oak is among the most resilient trees you can plant in Georgia. It can withstand drought, floods, and strong winds without additional care. We usually recommend this tree if you have plans to use the wood later for furniture or looking for a durable variety that can thrive in any condition. Plant your tree in a location that receives six hours of direct sunlight and water deeply once a week in the initial growth stages. Once it matures, water one inch deep every month and add fertilizer annually.

Fruit Tree to Grow

  • Pink Lady Apple Tree

The Pink Lady Apple Tree thrives in all four seasons and is one of the fastest-growing trees in Georgia. Even if you don’t have a green thumb, the variety is versatile and hardy as it does fabulously in cold and hot temperatures. Plant your tree in a well-drained, sunny area, and add a 2-inch layer of mulch around the base during winter. It is advisable to prune during the dormancy stage or when you notice dead branches.

Contact us at Driscoll Tree Service to learn about trees you can plant in Georgia. Please schedule an appointment with our experts and enjoy quality tree care and maintenance at competitive rates.

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