
Our Reviews
Lindy Sanderson

We called to have two large pine trees removed since they were in the way of where we needed to put our fence. We are slackers and always wait until the last minute to do anything so of course, we tried to find someone that could take these out quickly as we needed it done ASAP. These guys came out the same day I called and were able to get them out the next day. I was so impressed by how nice and professional they are, it’s nearly impossible to get anyone to come out and/or follow up with anything so it was extremely refreshing that they did both without me having to call and ask what the hold up was. I will forever use this company for future needs. Thank you again!!

Chad Thibodaux

I was very impressed with how quickly and professionally they worked. They were in and out in an afternoon. They had to remove a giant Red Oak, and did so with great skill and speed. Their price is very affordable and beats out most of the competition around. I highly recommend Driscoll Tree Service. We will use them again for all of our future tree removal needs! Seriously, give them a call. They are awesome!


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Signs a Tree Might Fall

Many property owners appreciate and love their trees but must notice the potential danger some trees present. Research shows that many tree-related accidents could be avoided if people knew the signs and symptoms of a tree at risk of falling. Although there are many factors to consider, Driscoll Tree Service can inspect, detect, diagnose, and address minor issues before things get out of hand. Nothing is more frustrating than coming home to a fallen tree on your premises, causing damage and compromising the safety of your loved ones. Here are signs your tree might fall.


A Sudden Lean or Shift

If a tree in your backyard is leaning, it doesn’t mean it will fall. Healthy trees adjust their root system to cope with the diagonal growth. However, routine assessments by a trusted tree care company go a long way in ensuring the tree remains healthy. A tree that suddenly leans to one side poses a safety risk and may eventually fall under extreme conditions, like strong winds and heavy rains. You can prevent costly damages by scheduling regular maintenance checks with a trusted tree service provider.

Multiple Trunks

A tree with multiple trunks can split at the attachment point. While the cause for concern is not immediate, weakly attached trunks increase susceptibility to breaks and fall under the immense weight of a full trunk. You should have such trees inspected by a reputable tree care company for two reasons: to assess stability and recommend mitigating steps and determine if braces and cables are needed.

A Large Hollow

Tree hollows occur for several reasons, but most start as minor wounds attracting fungi and bacteria. Fungus eats the wood, leaving a cavity that the tree may or not be able to seal. The tree incurs severe damage in severe cases, and the fungus wins. It can be challenging for inexperienced individuals to determine the severity of damage and recommend a viable solution. Hence, working with a skilled tree service provider guarantees regularly scheduled inspections to ensure minor signs of deterioration are addressed in time.

Unexplainable Falling Branches


Although it is common for trees to shed a few branches following a powerful storm, when the cause of falling branches is unknown, you need to call a professional as soon as possible. Check the break site for signs of decay, which causes premature failure. An arborist in Sugar Hill should assess a tree that suddenly sheds branches and ensure the roots are not compromised. The last thing you want is the tree falling on your home or surrounding structures. We can help you determine if the tree is salvageable, and if not, you can rely on our expertise to safely remove it before things get out of hand.

Mushrooms Growing Under Your Tree

Mushrooms growing underneath a tree are not menacing but pose a severe danger. Mushrooms show fungus growth, and delaying care allows the fungus to penetrate the wood and soil. The safest option is to hire a tree care company to assess and address the problem. Mushrooms are harmless but can weaken the tree and make it susceptible to diseases or death.

Now that you know common signs of potentially falling trees, contact us at Driscoll Tree Service. Leverage extensive industry knowledge and experience to grow healthy trees and maintain a safe home.

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