
Our Reviews
John Miller

It took a while for the weather to cooperate, but when the time came, all went well with excellent results. The crew removed a large water oak and a small trash tree. They worked well together and when finished, the job site was cleaned up nicely. They were friendly and informative. Neighbors were also impressed. I highly recommend Driscoll Tree Service.

Chad Thibodaux

I was very impressed with how quickly and professionally they worked. They were in and out in an afternoon. They had to remove a giant Red Oak, and did so with great skill and speed. Their price is very affordable and beats out most of the competition around. I highly recommend Driscoll Tree Service. We will use them again for all of our future tree removal needs! Seriously, give them a call. They are awesome!


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Deep Root Fertilization and Its Benefits

Property owners usually focus fertilization efforts on their turf and forget that huge, shady trees also need a nutrition boost. However, the process is not as simple as sprinkling a handful of fertilizer around the roots. You must work with a reputable tree care company if you want healthy trees throughout the year. Driscoll Tree Service can help you maintain the healthiest and thickest trees in your neighborhood by ensuring they have all the nutrients they need to grow and survive. Since trees in your backyard lack the ever-present nutrients in the wild, it is up to you to provide them.


Fertilization promotes good health and growth by protecting the trees from environmental conditions like pests and other critters. Trees in urban areas rarely get sufficient nutrients, making it difficult to grow and thrive under such conditions. Before recommending deep-root fertilization, a tree service professional can account for inhibiting factors in urban areas.

Deep root fertilization replicates the conditions in the wild, helping your tree grow healthy, thick, and tall. We recommend this fertilization technique when facing conditions that inhibit growth, especially during the cold season.

Deep Root Fertilization


This technique involves using a pressured injection to inject the fertilizer. The goal is to feed the tree from the ground up, enhancing nutrient intake than surface fertilization. We believe deep root fertilization is vital to tree care, especially if the tree is not in its natural habitat. Whether you are a residential or commercial property owner, the soil on your premises is not like the soil in the wild. With this in mind, trees need supplements to be in optimal condition.

Although surface fertilizers benefit small landscape plants like grass, trees have deep roots that can’t reach the surface. Deep root fertilization takes care of this problem by ensuring the fertilizer is injected near the roots. If you detect a significant reduction in foliage, yellowing in leaves, dead spots, drying tips of branches, and little or no annual growth, you need to consult a tree care company.

Importance of Deep Root Fertilization

Deep root fertilization is ideal for maintaining vibrant trees outside their natural habitat. This is because it recreates a similar nutrient cycle to the tree would have in nature. Another crucial benefit of the fertilization technique is delivering nutrients directly to the roots for an instant boost. The nutrients are absorbed and transported to the rest of the tree, resulting in healthier, abundant greenery.

Once the tree has access to vital nutrients, it can grow to its full potential. The same can’t be said for surface fertilization, since the nutrients are on the surface where the roots can reach. As the leading tree care company, we recommend deep-root fertilization to stave off environmental aggressors like pests and harsh weather.

If you want to promote health, optimize soil conditions, stimulate development, and mitigate water damage from frost this winter, contact us at Driscoll Tree Service. Please schedule a consultation with our tree service providers to enjoy quality services at competitive rates.

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