
Our Reviews
Ashley Langridge

I had a large oak tree taken down near power lines and an outdoor kitchen. I was well informed about the work they were going to do and how long it should take. The team was professional, fast and dropped the tree safely. They used a bucket truck and climber to trim branches from the top half of the tree with no damage to the yard around the tree.  I am extremely pleased with Driscoll Tree service work.

Chad Thibodaux

I was very impressed with how quickly and professionally they worked. They were in and out in an afternoon. They had to remove a giant Red Oak, and did so with great skill and speed. Their price is very affordable and beats out most of the competition around. I highly recommend Driscoll Tree Service. We will use them again for all of our future tree removal needs! Seriously, give them a call. They are awesome!


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Are There Dangers in Cutting Tree Roots?

Trees are more than towering entities in our landscapes; they are essential to our ecosystem, providing shade, oxygen, and aesthetic beauty. However, the decision to cut tree roots, whether driven by the need to construct, clear space, or address potential hazards, comes with a series of dangers that demand careful consideration. At Driscoll Tree Service, we leverage extensive knowledge and expertise, ensuring quality services. Let’s look at the risks associated with cutting tree roots and the significance of seeking help from professional arborists.


Understanding Tree Roots: A Delicate Balance

Tree roots are a vital anchor, securing trees into the ground while facilitating water and nutrient absorption. The intricate network of roots extends far beyond what meets the eye, playing a pivotal role in the overall health and stability of the tree. Altering or cutting tree roots disrupts this delicate balance, leading to potential issues.

Stability Compromised

Cutting tree roots can compromise the tree’s stability. Roots provide the foundation that prevents trees from toppling during storms or high winds. Disrupting this balance could lead to unexpected falls that could damage property, endanger lives, and disrupt the surrounding environment.

Nutrient and Water Deprivation

Severing tree roots can severely affect the tree’s ability to absorb water and nutrients from the soil. This can lead to a weakened tree, making it more susceptible to diseases, pests, and even death. Trees may exhibit signs of stress, such as wilting leaves and diminished growth.

Leaning and Tilting

When tree roots are cut on one side, the tree might lean or tilt in the opposite direction. This uneven weight distribution can cause structural imbalances, rendering the tree unstable and hazardous.

Root Regrowth Issues

Trees sometimes respond to root cutting by initiating new root growth. While this might seem like a solution, it can lead to uncontrolled root sprouting, creating a thicket of new roots that further disrupt the soil structure and increase the risk of tripping hazards.

Regrowth Woes

In response to root cutting, some trees regrow to compensate. However, this causes an uncontrollable tangle of new roots, undermining soil stability and increasing the risk of tripping hazards. The best way to avoid such scenarios is to hire a trusted tree care company for routine maintenance. We leverage innovative equipment and proven strategies to mitigate regrowth and other subsequent hazards.

The Importance of Professional Tree Services


Given trees’ complex nature and root systems, it’s imperative to seek help from a professional service when considering tree removal and root cutting. While DIYers can handle minor projects, here are reasons to work with a tree care company.

  • Proper Techniques

Professional tree services employ proper techniques when cutting tree roots to minimize the impact on the tree. These techniques include strategic pruning, root barrier installation, and promoting healthy root growth.

  • Preservation

Arborists prioritize the preservation of trees whenever possible. They can offer alternative solutions, such as root redirection or selective pruning, to achieve your goals without endangering the tree’s well-being.

  • Legal and Environmental Considerations

Many areas have legal regulations surrounding tree removal and root cutting. Professional tree services are well-versed in these regulations, ensuring compliance while minimizing environmental impact.

Cutting tree roots is not a decision to be taken lightly. The potential dangers of destabilizing trees and compromising their health are significant. Consulting professional tree services is crucial for making informed choices that balance your needs with preserving these vital natural assets. Contact us at the Driscoll Tree Service and schedule a consultation with our team of experts.

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